Demo ballot

Try a demo election ballot to see how easy voting is. In the VTNW system, each voter receives an anonymous personal voter code (a random string of characters). This code can only be used to submit one ballot.

The code is delivered by email and/or USPS mail. We've found that this is a great way to urge folks to vote. Each potential voter can be sent an email reminder that takes them immediately to the ballot. The ballot can also be customized to fit your organization's needs.

In this Professional Association demo election, there are four items on the ballot.
  • Race #1 is between five candidates for Executive committee (vote for two)
  • Race #2 consists of two candidates for President
  • Race #3 has seven candidates for 4 Board Memberships (vote for up to four)
  • Race #4 is to approve an amendment to the Association constitution.
To vote immediately, use this one-time voter security code: YXIIA, and log in at:

(load the ballot - en Français here)

If you would like to also receive an example of an email with a built-in link to the voting site, enter the email address to which you would like the ballot link to be sent:

Then enter the color of the sky here (4 letters):

(Vote-Now privacy policy: we do not sell, trade, or otherwise share e-mail addresses or any other personal information)

Within a minute, you should receive the ballot link in a form that is similar to what your voters would get in a real election. The subject field will be "Demo ballot for Professional Active Transport Society". See more details on this and other administrative options.

As election administrator, you can also view the current vote counts.


Elections with E A S E : Economical, Anonymous, Secure, Easy!